Thursday, May 3, 2012

Habits die hard.

Terribly sorry for the lack of updates. I've been pretty caught up with life recently. Met new people, watched two great films, tried new games and experienced different things. So I'm going to do a pretty quick summary of everything in this update.

When I say habits die hard, I mean giving up. I've learnt to try hard and push on, on physical terms. I don't give up easily when I go to the gym and work out. But there are other aspects in life that giving up is part and parcel of. I'm not one whom is fond of failure. To not experience failure, I've given up so many times I seem to have forgotten that giving up is actually considered failing. In my own little world, failure means getting hurt. No one likes getting hurt, so we build walls around us to prevent that.
My wall? Not reaching the point where I know I will get hurt. It's a little tough to understand this, but I don't expect any of you to understand any of this.

Firstly, new friendships were forged, but one particular one stood out from the rest. I shall not go into details, but I will leave you with the knowledge that this friendship is one I cherish a lot and hope that it will go the distance.

Secondly, Battleships and Avengers were awesome films.
Let me do a little review.

Battleship: IMDb rating (6.4/10), Mine (7/10)
Before the movie, my friends who've watched it told me to look out for the chick.
Her name's Brooklyn Decker. She's pretty smokin' hot, but I really couldn't care less.
Yeah, she's got a great figure, but from her pictures, I think her face's covered with layers and layers of make up. She looks a little different from the second and the last picture, no?
Okay back to the movie. It's alright I guess. To me, the exciting part comes only when the end is nearing. The robots/aliens were pretty cool. Huge ass ships battling out with aliens on the infinite sea. In my opinion, not enough action. But the company I got was great though, so I can't really complain about the movie :)

Avengers: IMDb (8.8/10), Mine (8/10).

My reason for giving it a lower rating than IMDb's users is because it was too highly spoken of. I have so many people telling me how awesome and jaw dropping it was, and how it was worth a re-watch. Just the views on the trailer alone reached 27 million hits. I more "BOOM, POW, BANG" than it actually offered. 
My favorite 'superhero' going into the movie was THOR.
I mean, what's not to like about him? Demi-god, indestructible hammer and he speaks a little like Shakespeare. 

But I came out liking Hulk more. Huge, green monster with god like strength. Impenetrable skin with the attitude that no one can stand yet can do nothing about. How awesome is that?

Thirdly, played Left 4 Dead 2 with 4 of my friends at a LAN shop for the first time. We shouted like mad, experiencing the excitement other gamers go through when playing that game. Thus making us unqualified of complaining about loud gamers in the LAN shop in the future. 
Pardon my shamelessness. 
Lastly, I was initially unsure of putting this up here but I'll do it anyways, the new experience was actually going out with a girl. I was really afraid at first, my heart was racing and my hands were trembling. But when we finally met, all the fears went away and I felt more at ease. I really enjoyed her company, and I actually noticed little details. Her eyes are brown, and she has double eye lids. She's really nice and sweet, and her smile's great too. Could never ask for more for that experience. You know you enjoyed something when you smile to yourself while walking home. 

That is all for this update. I will try to update more often, I promise! 
Here's a photo of my dog basking in the sunlight. 
Take care, and stay safe.
Au revoir!

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