Tuesday, November 4, 2014


"No ragrets."

I appreciate every word said, actions made, promises broken, course taken, relationships failed, friendships experimented, and feelings wasted,

For there wouldn't be today if there weren't any of them.

You're not a phase. I don't know how to convince you to think otherwise. You were never a phase. Nor am I anyone's cigarette break.

All the thousand and one words I said to you the other day, cannot be anymore truthful.
And I also just came to realization, how you're the first person to ever get so much inside my mind, out.

It's been a while since these feelings surfaced.
I cannot determine if they're good or bad, yet. But as of now, they're doing alright.

I can legitimately feel it making it's presence felt though.
It's giving me these goosebumps, this tiny tinge of hope.
The happiness I vaguely remember from about a year back.

Creeping at me. Making me judge myself if I'm still sane. If I'm sure of everything. If this is what I want. If this is all a dream, all wishful thinking.

I'm still pondering. Giving much consideration into all the possibilities. Looking at things from a million ways. Just to be sure.

When you asked me what I wanted, my mind was in a blank.
I didn't have the answer for you. I was never put in that position, to be given a choice.

But the moment I settled my thoughts. I had the answer. It was so simple, but I'll save that for some other time. Because there are some things that are meant to be said and heard, rather than written and read.

For now, like I said, concentrate on your finals.
It's more importanter than anything else now.
Praying upon the stars for you to do better than well.
Closer, robin. Closer.

"It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now.  And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any."

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