Friday, March 2, 2012

Whose rules?

Who made the rules for everything? Must I conform to the social norm? It's okay to not follow the footsteps of the rest, no?

I refuse to let people tell me what I should do, and who I should be. It's my problem to walk the path I have chosen, let me face whatever it is I have to face. They said I am not, and I never was, in the position to feel the way I am feeling right now. It's not my fault that I fall for one too quickly, really. Tell me how do I stop my feelings from growing when that person is really nice and sweet. No guy ever wants to be 'friend zoned', because it fucking hurts. So coincidentally, I saw this new show on MTV today, Friendzone.

Pretty much sums it up. I think about you when I wake up and before I go to bed. But now that you're no longer single, I can't do that shit no more.
I actually had tears in my eyes when she said "Because I really believe that we're better as friends.".

I can literally feel how that guy was feeling. The jitters, and when your heart suddenly weigh a ton and drops to the bottom of your stomach. You wanna cry, but you force out a short laughter coupled with a few words filled with utter disappointment and disbelief.

Okay, maybe there's a couple of major differences between this story and mine.
One, we were never best friends.
Two, I didn't say it to her face to face.
Three, I doubt she had a crush on me.
Four, and most importantly, I'm not tall, dark and handsome.

So tell me, is it really better to know than to not know? And he said "Will I do it again? I wouldn't.". If I'm not wrong, I think before these two parts, during the full episode, he said he's more afraid of losing the friendship than to get rejected. I'm not sure tho. Well guess what, just as my story went, he got rejected and the friendship is ruined.
Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, life.

"It just feels like I'm so done with this shit I might as well wipe. I have nothing else to give you, nothing left to contribute. Farewell I bid you." -Bad Meets Evil; Take From Me feat Claret Jai

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